In order to ease myself into this new concept, I was thinking the first Thursday of the month would be what I'm wearing; the 2nd Thursday would be something design-related around the house, the 3rd would be me again, and the 4th would be something design-related I photographed at some point during the month.
So this being the 1st Thursday post - here's what I wore yesterday:
The scenery is a bit of a joke; I thought of this at work yesterday and had one of my collegue's snap photos of me in our awful bathroom - I liked that the old broken Kotex dispenser matched my dress.
On a side note; I almost didn't use this picture since it makes me appear a little too plump in the face, but then I got honest with myself and realized it wasn't the camera's fault. Ever since I finished my last race (10-miler which I ran right after my last half-marathon) and increasingly after I injured my neck in August, I've really dropped the ball on going to the gym. Add to that the fact that I stil eat like I'm training for a marathon and you've got problems!
In mid-December (yes, BEFORE the holidays) some office mates and I started a weight-loss competition in order to kick ourselves into shape. We're all achieving this in different ways; one is a big weight watchers fan, another does south beach. I'm just going back to my standard "eat less & better food, get your butt to the gym" method. So hopefully seeing me every two weeks in a new outfit will also show you the shrinking effects of proper eating & exercise.
My buddy Max looking over my shoulder...

The jacket is from Banana Republic and was one of my best finds there - I paid something like $29 for a $150 blazer. The necklace is from my great-aunt; one of the few "everyday" items I inherited when she passed, so it gets a lot of wear.
Dress: Target, $24.95
Jacket: Banana Republic, $29
tights: Target, $3
boots: Target, $15.99
necklace: from great-aunt
This looks like a lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to seeing these